Friday, 4 February 2011

wing bowl 2011

Jonathan "Super" Squibb winging it Wing Bowl 2011.
Jonathan "Super" Squibb chomps his way through Wing Bowl 2011 in Philadelphia. (

(CBS) While America waits for the Super Bowl, 26 brave men, each one of them a champion in his own right, stood ready this morning for a real competition - the Wing Bowl 2011, probably one of the least healthy sporting events in the world.
After the barbecue-crusted feathers settled, one man stood supreme - 6'4" New Jersey accountant Jon "Super" Squib, who pulled down a belly busting 255 wings. While we don't know the exact calorie count on the wings used, a healthy estimate says Squib put down almost 40,000 calories and 2,550 grams of fat.
"He's focused and he attacks those wings," an announcer on CBS Sports Radio 610 WIP said to describe this year's champion. "He's an amazing competitor."
It's the 19th annual holding of the event, where eaters compete to see who can stuff the most chicken wings down their gullets. It's Squibb's third time holding the crown and his 255 wings set a Wing Bowl record.
He vanquished hearty competitors like "El Wingadore," "Drunken Mussel," and "Lord Bemis," and his girlfriend still thinks highly of him.
"He remains to stay cute, even covered in wing sauce," she said.
And while the Super Bowl champions are likely to head to Disney World, Squibb only had one thing on his mind.
"I'll probably have a pizza," he said.
Spoken like a champion.

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